20 My Singing Monsters Island Guide 2024

Here is My Singing Monsters Island Guide, with five Natural Islands such as Plant, Cold, Water, Earth, and Air with their all monsters. Natural Islands are unlocked at level 4. You have to pay coins to unlock all Islands except Plant Island. The Plant Island was provided to the players at the beginning of the game. 

If you are new to My Singing Monsters and you don’t know about the Islands and their features, you have to gain experience with my knowledge about the special Islands of My Singing Monsters. Each Island brings a different kind of theme and natural view. And Monsters teams on all these natural Islands sing songs as they are a musical band or family.  

My Singing Monsters Island Guide

List of 20 Islands in My Singing Monsters

There are about 20 Islands in My Singing Monsters, each island has an instant theme and monsters. We discussed all of these one after the other. There are 5 Natural Islands which are Plant, Cold, Air, Water, and Earth Island, the names of these Islands are because of their elements Cold/Plant/Water/Air and Earth. And some others are bellowed;

  • Plant Island
  • Cold Island
  • Air Island
  • Water Island 
  • Earth Island
  • Fire Haven
  • Fire Oasis
  • Ethereal Island
  • Shugabush Island
  • Wublin Island
  • Bone Island
  • Light Island
  • Psychic Island
  • Faerie Island
  • Bone Island
  • Ethereal Workshop
  • Mythical Island
  • Magical Sanctum
  • Seasonal Shanty
  • Celestial Island
  • Tribal Island
  • The Colossingum
  • Composer Island
  • Gold Island
  • Amber Island
  • Mirror Air Island
  • Mirror Plant Island
  • Mirror Cold Island
  • Mirror Water Island
  • Mirror Earth Island

My Singing Monsters Plant Island

Theme: Nature and Flora

“Plant Island is a paradise-like island with greenery and blooming of colourful flowers. The background music of wind blowing and birds chirping attracts the user while playing the game. The beauty and magnificent nature are explored in Plant Island. The peaceful voice of nature plants and natural plants’ colour refresh users’ minds.”

My Singing Monsters Island Guide, Plant Island

The Game MSM starts with Plant Island, the first Island, provided to the My Singing Monsters players to breed and collect monsters at level 1. There are about 66 Monsters in Plant Island and 145 costumes. All the natural monsters are available on Plant Island, and all these monsters depend on 4 elements that are Water, Cold, Earth and Plant.

The breeding process in My Singing Monsters starts as you can purchase single-element monsters breed them together and get an egg. Place the resulting eggs in a nursery or breeding structure, the place of the egg depends on the Island. Each island has a different structure for placing eggs. 

List of Plant Island Monsters

Here is the list of Plant Island Monsters that are categorized as Common, Rare, and Epic Monsters.

Common Plant Monsters are:Rare Plant Monsters are:Epic Plant Monsters are:
Toe JammerDandidoShrub

My Singing Monsters Cold Island

Theme: Ice and Snow

My Singing Monsters Cold Island

Cold Island is the second natural Island that is purchased from 5k coins and represents the Cold element. It requires level 4 to unlock. It has snowy and icy landscaping and also involves other 4 elements: water, Plant, and Earth. The Cold Island has 18 monsters that are categorized as common, and rare monsters. The species of Colossal (Frigil) sing songs at 140 BPM.

The Cold element is unlocked at level 2, and it is found in the Natural, Fire, and Magical classes. The monster Mammott is on Cold Island and it looks like a snowman with a fur costume. The monsters on Cold Island are composed of cold elements. The island is like an icy environment, everything which is cold and icy looks like the crystals on the trees and flowers. All islands of My Singing Monsters Apk, are amazing structures and cute monsters.

List of Cold Island Monsters

Common Cold Monsters are:Rare Cold Monsters are:

My Singing Monsters Air Island

Theme: Sky and Clouds

“The heart-touching Air Island emphasizes the beauty of the natural island. The dancing plants and flowers in the heavy wind on Air Island look charming. The wonderful clouds in the sky. The changing colour of the trees looks amazing. The blooming of Flowers and birds chirping looks natural and awesome.”

My Singing Monsters Air Island

Air Island is the 3rd Island composed of Air elements, as a primary element but it also includes Fire, Water and Cold elements. Air Island unlocked at level 4 costs 50,000 coins. It has 15 Monsters categorized as common and rare monsters. Monsters on Air Island dancing, singing and enjoying the party as well.

They can sing a song at 140 BPM (Beats Per Minute), and all the Air Island monsters have 142 costumes. The species Colossal Zeffree are available on Air Island, and the Zeffree Species with big size floating in the heavy wind of Air Island. There are about 15 monsters on Air Island. They are common and rare monsters

List of Air Island Monsters

Common Air Monsters are:Rare Air Monsters are:
WhimpCongle rare
CongleFurcorn rare
FurcornPango rare
F kaynaThump

My Singing Monsters Water Island

Theme: Aquatic and Underwater

My Singing Monsters Water Island

“The blue colour of the water reflects the beauty of the natural island. The sound of bubbling water and the wet environment increase the glamour of the natural island. The dancing waves of water in the sea, fresh and cool water make the user of this game feel like he is really at this place.”

Water Island is the 4th island, it appears when you get 100,000 coins after Air Island. The main element of this Island is the Eggstravaganza. Eggs Travaganza is a seasonal event which is celebrated on Water Island. But in real life, The Eggstravaganza is an event celebrated at Disneyland Resort.

Colossal species are available on Water Island; they are big. It has 134 costumes of 64 Monsters; the song speed on Water Island is 140 BPM. The song starts with a low voice and then builds up to a high volume. The Water Island looks wet and it has an underwater atmosphere and monsters created with water elements, In which the primary element is water but others are also included such as Fire, Earth, and Plant.

The List of Water Island Monsters

Common Water Monsters are:Rare Water Monsters are:
CongleClamble rare
FurcornShellbeat rare
ClambleFloogreed rare
ShellbeatPango rare
CongleKrakatoa rare
Deedge rare
G’Joob rare

My Singing Monsters Earth Island

Theme: Stone and Ground

After getting 250000 coins at level 4 Earth Island appeared. The rocks, crystals, stone natural scenery are included in this. Monsters on the Earth Island are Clamble, Cybop, Drumpler, Hoola, Humbug, and many more. The total number of monsters is 62 and 142 costumes on the rocky and vivid surface of this Earth Island. On Earth Island, the Wubbox monsters look the biggest among all the monsters.

My Singing Monsters Earth Island

 The species present on Earth Island are Colossal Sollum in My Singing Monsters. It looks like a large stone, which is made up of rocks or soil, and associated with the Earth element. They have 5 or 6 mouths and these are also singing songs and dancing among the Monsters on Earth Island. They seem like a happy family and enjoy their songs on the Islands. My Singing Monsters Island Guide is very helpful for our users to know about each island’s monsters, songs, and structure.

The List of Earth Island Monsters

Common Monsters are:Rare Monsters are:
NogginNoggin rare
MammottMammott rare
TweedleTweedle rare
DrumplerDrumpler rare
ShrubbShrubb rare
FurcornFurcorn rare
DandidooDandidoo rare
PangoPango rare
CybopCybop rare
ClambleEntbrat rare


My Singing Monsters Island Guide helps the players get information about all the Islands of MSM. I have discussed special and best Islands like Plant, Earth, Cold, Water, and Air. Islands beauty depends on their Monsters, Songs, Trees, Flowers, Music, Structure and many other activities can done on these Islands.

Each Island has unique Monsters and challenges for players follow this My Singing Monsters Island Guide and unlock different Islands. Breed different combinations of monsters by following our “My Singing Monsters Breeding Guide”. You can get 100+ Monsters and multiple songs on these Islands.

FAQs- My Singing Monsters Island Guide

There are several different categories of Monsters on Plant Island. They are divided into categories based on their rarity. Common, rare and epic monsters on island, common monsters means they breed easily as compared to rare and epic monsters. 

Rare monsters can’t breed; they are purchased from the market by paying diamonds. It’s not easy to get Epic Monsters. You have required rare monsters. Sometimes it’s your luck to get it. Focus on upgrading and completing the tasks and level up the Islands, sometimes it’s takes time but at the end you can get Epic Monster.

The Rare Monster can not breed; it is purchased from the market with currency like diamonds or coins. And a combination of three elements can produce a rare one. It’s not easy to produce rare monsters all the time. They are available at special events such as during summer songs you get krakatoa. 

There are an estimated 20 Islands in the game My Singing Monsters. Each Island is best with its natural theme, creatures, and monsters. There are 5 Natural Islands ( Plant, Water, Earth, Air) and others are also available like Shanty, Tribal, Psychic, Faerie, Bone, Shugabush Colosingum, Celestial, Sanctum, Starhenge, and some others.

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